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Jack of all trades is a master of…wait a minute, stop right there!

Did you know the old Shakespeare quote people toss around casually about a “Jack of all trades” is often mispositioned to mean the opposite of what was intended? Before you assume it’s a critique of versatility, let's delve into the real meaning of Shakespeare's statement and explore a complimentary concept (one I just discovered for the first time yesterday) introduced by Barbara Sher: "scanner" personalities. Giant lightbulb — being a versatile creative isn't just okay— it can be a superpower.

Shakespeare's Insight: The Full Quote

First things first, let's put Shakespeare's quote in its full glory: "Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one." BOOM! Quite a twist, isn't it? This complete quote calls out that a generalist might often outperform a specialist.

Over time, this quote has been somewhat twisted. Many now interpret it as a slight against those with an array of interests and diverse skills. But when you read the complete statement, you realize it's more of a nod to the versatility and adaptability that "Jacks of all trades" possess.

Barbara Sher's Scanner and Diver Personalities

Now, let's talk about Barbara Sher's take on this. She introduces the concept of "scanner" personalities, who are like information sponges with diverse interests. On the flip side, we have "divers" who specialize deeply in one field.

Celebrate your unique story by creating your own box of memories with friends and family. It’s a memory-memory game, see what we did there?

Scanners are a curious bunch. They're adaptable, brimming with ideas, and thrive in a world of variety. They are the ones who connect seemingly unrelated dots, making the world a more innovative place. Scanners find joy in exploring different paths, and they excel at cross-pollinating ideas.

According to Sher:

“Scanners love to read and write, to fix and invent things, to design projects and businesses, to cook and sing, and to create the perfect dinner party. (You’ll notice I didn’t use the word ‘or,’ because Scanners don’t love to do one thing or the other; they love them all.)” 

Divers, on the other hand, are all about mastering one craft. They dive deep, and their expertise often leads to groundbreaking advancements in their chosen field. Think of them as the experts who lay the foundation for innovation.

Why Being a Scanner is Remarkable

If you happen to be a "Jack of all trades" or a scanner, you should wear that badge proudly. Your ability to blend various skills makes you a powerhouse, especially when combined with solid leadership skills and the self-awareness to know when you need to rely on strong people where you are weak — especially divers.

You bring fresh perspectives, creative solutions, and a wealth of knowledge to the table. Your adaptability and knack for learning across disciplines are invaluable in a rapidly evolving world.

When understood in its entirety, Shakespeare's quote celebrates versatility rather than belittling it. Barbara Sher's scanner concept further reinforces the idea that diverse talents and interests are something to be embraced. Whether you're a "Jack of all trades," a scanner, or a specialist, remember that your unique skills contribute to the richness and innovation of our world. Embrace your creative spirit, and continue making the world a more fascinating place—one diverse talent at a time.

Happy unchaining! - Janet

More on this topic?

Forbes: Why Being A Jack Of All Trades Is Essential For Success

Are You a Scanner? By Barbara Sher

YouTube: Barbara Sher: Refuse to Choose!

Semitogether.com Are You a Scanner or a Diver?